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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Life is starting to return to normal for the majority of Americans but the aftermath of the Pandemic is a huge contributor to the Wave of Wellness trends that we will continue to see in the months and even years to come.

More than four in ten Americans say it’s affected their physical health, and 45% say it’s negatively impacted their weight. More than half (53%) say it’s negatively affected their mental wellbeing. With that being said, we have re-examined our priorities and turned to the following wellness trends in 2021.

1. MENTAL HEALTH GOES VIRAL Online therapy and free mental health tips and tools are easily accessible at our fingertips. Traditional therapy has transitioned to online apps like Talkspace, Calmerry, and zoom. Social media apps like Instagram and Tik-Tok have a new emphasis on mental health with tons of free therapy resources available from individuals and licensed therapists.

2. GUT HEALTH: Be on the lookout for fermented foods like kombucha and kimchi which are rich in probiotics and good for your microbiome. With as much as 80 percent of the immune system tied to the gut, it makes sense that many of us will be focused on enhancing gut health,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDCES, author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet. We have all heard of probiotics but be on the lookout for postbiotics which will be popping up as an added ingredient to energy bars, drinks & candies.

3. IMMUNITY: Studies have shown that one third of consumers are now specifically shopping for products that target their personal health needs. “The lines are blurring between the supplement and grocery aisles. the demands for immunity-boosting ingredients, functional foods, nutraceuticals, supplements and personalized nutrition are expected to increase

4. PLANTED BASED LIFESTYLE: People are changing their outlook on big brands and starting to shop for more locally produced, organic and sustainable foods that have a less negative impact on both the economy and environment. In the next few months, flexitarians will be joining the vegan and vegetarians movement, encouraging less mess and more seasonal plant-based foods. Consumers are trading in high prices spent on meat and fish for more functional foods like legumes, beans and ancient grains.

5. WORKOUT AT HOME : Advances in technology and out of necessity, we saw a huge increase during the pandemic with services like telemedicine, virtual therapy, online fitness, and meditation apps offered in the convenience of our own home. Fitness equipment sales have gone up 170% during COVID-19, as those of us with the space and means turned our homes into makeshift gyms.

Despite the wave of wellness and seemingly unlimited access to everything online, the reopening of Hawaii has been expedited over the last few weeks (Thank goodness).

What happens after life is completely back to normal? Will these trends have the staying power now that they've become such an instrumental part of our lives? New trends and better services are coming at an even faster pace!

Any questions? Find a trend we didn't list?

Ask us in a comment below!




Радий бачите те, що ми тут можемо поспілкуватися з приводу новин, це неаби як важливо на сьогоднішній день, тим паче, що сьогодні новини стали для нас трохи більшим, а ніж просте джерело інформації. Я можу з повною впевненістю казати, що наразі тільки один новинний портал може публікувати якісні новини, завдяки йому, я вже кілька років отримую тільки перевірені та актуальні новини. Таким чином, отримуючи світові новини, а також локальні, я без перебільшення знаходжуся в інформаційному ресурсі цілодобово, що позитивно сказується на моєму розумінні подій. Тому, звертаю вашу увагу на те, що треба завжди прагнути дізнаватися більше та, як результат більш об'єктивніше дивитися на події.

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